Nordic Summer School

The Nordic Summer School in Cancer Epidemiology is arranged biennially. The next Summer School will start in August 2024.

Applications for the Nordic Summer School in Cancer Epidemiology are now closed. 


Course and Research Projects for Students in Medicine, Statistics, Biology, Nursing and Public Health

The next Nordic Summer School (Phase 1) will be held from Monday, 12 August to Friday, 23 August 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Phase 3 will take place from Friday, 24 to Sunday, 26 January 2025 in Virrat, Finland.

The Association of the Nordic Cancer Registries (ANCR) holds a summer course in cancer epidemiology every second year. The Nordic Summer School in Cancer Epidemiology is sponsored by the Nordic Cancer Union (NCU) and the National Cancer Societies in the Nordic countries.

The Nordic Summer School is open to 25 Nordic university students in medicine, statistics, biology, nursing and public health.

The Nordic Summer School consists of 3 phases:

Phase 1:  12-23 August 2024 in Copenhagen which will provide an introduction to epidemiology in general and cancer epidemiology in particular.

Phase 2: During the practical phase, which will take place two working months before January 2025, the students will carry out projects at the national cancer registries or research centres.

Phase 3:  24-26 January 2025 in Virrat, Finland where the participants will present the results of their projects under guidance of tutors. This course is hosted by Tampere University in Finland.

There is no registration or tuition fee. All travel expenses and accommodation at a low-priced hotel (shared twin room) during phase 1 and 3 will be covered by the Nordic Summer School.

Course language:  English

The course is estimated to 10 ECTS credits.

The course is designed for pregraduate students, close to the final years of study. Young postgraduates may also apply but since postgraduate courses exist, priority will be given to pregraduates. Students are encouraged to develop a social programme assisted by the course staff and local students.

You can see the programme here.

Course director: Lina Steinrud Mørch, Denmark

If you have any general questions about the Summer School, please contact Lissa Churchward at

Phase 1: 12-23 August 2024 - Introduction to cancer epidemiology

An intensive course at the Danish Cancer Society in Copenhagen.


  • Measures of disease frequency and effects
  • Intervention trials
  • Case control studies
  • Cohort studies
  • Designing Nordic registry-based studies
  • Analysis of epidemiological data
  • Interpretation of epidemiological studies
  • Cancer prevention
  • Presentation of scientific data
  • Biology of cancer
  • Cervix cancer & HPV
  • Genetics
  • Diet and cancer
  • Role of cancer registries
  • Ethics & individual rights

Cancer Epidemiology: Principles and Methods, Isabel dos Santos Silva, IARC, WHO

Phase 2: Two working months before January 2025

Research projects will be carried out at the National Cancer Registries (in Sweden also at the regional tumour registries in Stockholm, Uppsala, Linköping, Lund, Gothenburg and Umeå), or in other research centres.

A tutor of the research institution of the student will normally guide the work but if needed, a tutor among the cancer registry staff will assist in the project work.

Projects should be defined so they can be carried out within a limited time (two working months) and are concerned with cancer epidemiological issues. The projects will be prepared prior to the course in August 2024 – if appropriate in collaboration with the students who have been accepted for the course. More than one student may work together on one project.

Phase 3: 24-26 January 2025 - Presentation of projects

The weekend course will be held in Virrat, Finland and co-ordinated by Sirpa Heinävaara, Finnish Cancer Registry and School of Health Sciences, Tampere University.

Phase 3 is arranged as a scientific conference.

Students, co-ordinators of the projects and project tutors will meet in Virrat where the project groups will present their work orally, and the projects will be discussed.

Nordic Summer School in Cancer Epidemiology 2024 will be evaluated.

The students will be contacted by mail to sign up for the 3rd phase and to submit an abstract on the project carried out during Phase 2.

Each participant is requested to either give a 15-minute oral presentation or bring a poster and give a short oral introduction of the contents of the poster.

The full programme will be composed from the abstracts. The attending co-ordinators and tutors from the Nordic countries will give constructive feedback and ensure a dynamic discussion. Participants will be selected to chair and co-chair the sessions.

Practical information

Phase 1 (12-23 August 2024)


Danish Cancer Society
Strandboulevarden 49
2100 Copenhagen


The Summer School secretariat will book accommodation (shared twin room) for all students.

The hotel details are:
Hotel 9 små hjem
Classensgade 38
2100 Copenhagen


How to get from the airport to the Danish Cancer Society – see journey planner

Social activities

The Summer School has an assistant who is available during the course and will organise social activities in the evenings and weekend.

We encourage you all to take part in the activities and organise events yourselves.

Phase 3 (24-26 January 2025)

Venue & accommodation

Youth Centre of Marttinen
Herrasentie 16
34800 Virrat

The Tampere University will book accommodation for all students and teachers.

Application forms and contact


If you have any questions, please contact:

Lissa Churchward & Lina Steinrud Mørch
Danish Cancer Society
Tel.:  +45 35 25 75 00


If you have any questions, please contact:

Sirpa Heinävaara
Finnish Cancer Registry
Tel.:  +358 9 135 331


If you have any questions, please contact:

Helgi Birgisson
Icelandic Cancer Registry
Tel.:  +354 540 1900


If you have any questions, please contact:

Mari Nygård
Cancer Registry of Norway
Tel.:  +47 22 92 88 51

Tom Erik Nilsen
Cancer Registry of Norway
Tel.: +47 22 92 88 13


If you have any questions, please contact:

Mats Lambe
Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
Karolinska Institutet
Tel.:  +46 070 771 56 55

Gabrielle Gran
Regional Cancer Center SouthEast
Tel.:  +46 010 103 89 23